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Lab Health Testing utilizes evidence-based lab testing to open the doors for a wider array of personalized treatment and recommendations.
These tests can include:
Detailed Stool Analysis
Food Allergy and Sensitivity
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Functional Nutritional Assessments
Adrenal Evaluation
Inflammatory and Autoimmune Panels
Advanced Cholesterol Subparticle Profiles
Sex Hormone Metabolism
Expanded Thyroid Profiles
Genetic Markers
Neurotransmitter levels
SIBO Breath Test

Laboratory tests can cost anything from tens to hundreds of dollars. There is leeway to curtail the amount of testing needed, as the initial workup will provide a fair idea of the areas of dysfunction underlying your illness, which will allow early intervention without the need for much testing.
Where improvement is limited, tests can be chosen judiciously to provide information to fine-tune your treatment. If you are happy to proceed at the outset, tests can be performed after the initial assessment. Neither approach is better, each has its advantages.